Just imagine dh betapa bersawang blog aku ni. Last post aku was 4-5 months ago. Pffft -_-
Pagi pagi td dh bangun awal sbb kne hntar mama gi maktab. Tht's it, the only reason yg akn membangunkan aku seawal 7 pagi without getting back to sleep smmgnye x natural. Odw back home, aku dgr hot fm and the latest news was about penceraian kim n kris humphreys. KIM AND KRIS ok?
Klau ade channel 700+ astro kat rumah, and to those who watched (i did) their fairytale wedding..of course akan rasa nak sepak muke kim tu 18 kali. Crius talk, wedding diorg sangat perfect, simple yet ekslusif. And the cost was 22 MILLION USD. Blh bayang x? The first thing yg aku terifkir, if dorg blh trade in balik the wedding cost and buat amal kat malaysia, senang2 je blh tlg kahwinkan 1000 couples kat sini. p/s : utk parents belah perempuan yg mintk rm20k utk hantaran.
Then only penceraian mereka disambut gembira oleh sekalian makhluk. hewhew :p
Then only penceraian mereka disambut gembira oleh sekalian makhluk. hewhew :p
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Kes kahwin gempak last2 cerai ni pun agak femes among malaysian celebrities. No difference pun kalau nak compare dgn KK ni.
Moral of the story? What i actually learn is, when it comes to marriage..focus on the life after marriage, not the ceremony. Apa yg perlu kite kejar is the kasih sayang and kebahagiaan between husband and wife, bukannye ppl's impression towards your majlis, right? So kenalah berpada-pada. Moderation counts, Islam tells us enough :') *reminder utk muslims
Moral of the story? What i actually learn is, when it comes to marriage..focus on the life after marriage, not the ceremony. Apa yg perlu kite kejar is the kasih sayang and kebahagiaan between husband and wife, bukannye ppl's impression towards your majlis, right? So kenalah berpada-pada. Moderation counts, Islam tells us enough :') *reminder utk muslims
Dream aku criusly nak kahwin grand2. tp kim dgn kris ni spoil mood la. hahahh tetibe