Sunday 18 December 2011

Herbalife utk Muda Mudi :)

Salam, Bismillah.

Memandangkan bulan december ni will be the last time i can shout out loud, 'saya baru 19 tahun!'.. entry kali ni aku akn emphasize on great young people at my age yg dah melakar satu langkah ke hadapan utk ubah hidup diorg :')

Ok, basically, kenapa aku stay and will always do dlm Herbalife?

1) Aku xblh bayang how my life will go on without Herbalife, mybe terus membazir duit utk hangout, tgk wayang, shopping itu ini dgn duit scholarship tp xde monthly income. NORMAL life of teenagers.
2) Aku xkan pernah berani untuk berangan yg aku sbnrnye blh earn thousands per month, just by helping people to change their life to better. (health, fnancial, personal development, etc)
3) Aku lebih exposed to real meaning of life. bila kita nak berubah, kena mingle dgn positive people! Alhamdulillah Herbalife ade pakej orang2 positif, :)
4) Aku jd lebih prihatin dengan orang2 sekeliling, yg x sihat, yg lebih unfortunate dari aku.
5) Student boleh kahwin awal and dpt quality life. >>>ok boleh abaikan bab kahwin ni. HAHA

Simple sangat sbnarnye nak buat Herbalife masa study ni. As long as there are human beings around you, you can do Herbalife! Herbalife bukan utk kucing ok -_-'

Orait, back to topic. Herbalife utk Muda Mudi

AQILAH (kiri), 19 tahun, UIA PJ
Mula Herbalife secara serious : 2011
Average income : RM500-1000
Last month income : RM2000 (best income)

NIK, 19 tahun, MSU Shah Alam
Mula Herbalife : 2011
Average income : RM3000
Best month income : RM4600

SYA (kanan), 19 tahun, MSU Shah Alam

Mula Herbalife : 6 bulan lepas
Last month income : RM5200

LINDA (aku), 19 tahun, UIA PJ

Mula Herbalife secara serious : 2011
Last month income : RM2000
Best month income : RM4000

Cerita kami BUKAN utk show off or nak bajet hebat. Income comel2 je pun. hewhew :p 3 org pertama tu cume a part of young people yang aku sempat capture their stories dari event2 herbalife i attended. Ramaaaaai lagi sbnarnye kanak-kanak belasan tahun dari different backgrounds, yg pilih Herbalife as railway utk reach their dreams, wohoo Alhamdulillah.
And to be frank, we didn't do Herbalife merely for money. If we really do, seriously mesti dah lingkup and xkan grow, or dah mula melilau cari bisnes2 lain.  Tapi what really happen is, i can still see their growth and they keep attending semua event herbalife utk belajar.

PS: Dorg ni part-timer Herbalife and masih pelajar spt org lain.

I pray hard, if ada sesiapa yang serious nak ubah hidup + always dream big tp x tahu jalan, semoga terjumpa blog aku ni. hihi. Bye2~

Monday 31 October 2011

K&K's Wedding

Just imagine dh betapa bersawang blog aku ni. Last post aku was 4-5 months ago. Pffft -_-

Pagi pagi td dh bangun awal sbb kne hntar mama gi maktab. Tht's it, the only reason yg akn membangunkan aku seawal 7 pagi without getting back to sleep smmgnye x natural.  Odw back home, aku dgr hot fm and the latest news was about penceraian kim n kris humphreys.  KIM AND KRIS ok? 

Klau ade channel 700+ astro kat rumah, and to those who watched (i did) their fairytale wedding..of course akan rasa nak sepak muke kim tu 18 kali. Crius talk, wedding diorg  sangat perfect, simple yet ekslusif. And the cost was 22 MILLION USD. Blh bayang x? The first thing yg aku terifkir, if dorg blh trade in balik the wedding cost and buat amal kat malaysia, senang2 je blh tlg kahwinkan 1000 couples kat sini. p/s : utk parents belah perempuan yg mintk rm20k utk hantaran. 
Then only penceraian mereka disambut gembira oleh sekalian makhluk. hewhew :p


Kes kahwin gempak last2 cerai ni pun agak femes among malaysian celebrities. No difference pun kalau nak compare dgn KK ni.
Moral of the story? What i actually learn is, when it comes to marriage..focus on the life after marriage, not the ceremony. Apa yg perlu kite kejar is the kasih sayang and kebahagiaan between husband and wife, bukannye ppl's impression towards your majlis, right? So kenalah berpada-pada. Moderation counts, Islam tells us enough :') *reminder utk muslims

P/S: I'm not anyone's anything. So klau nak rasa ayat atas ni poyo pun xpe. Haha

Dream aku criusly nak kahwin grand2. tp kim dgn kris ni spoil mood la. hahahh tetibe


Sunday 20 March 2011

How to Make Your Scale Thank You :)

Life is full of options. Only smart people opt the best!

Pilihan 1

gemok cm belon vs healthily slim

Pilihan 2

 sakit vs sihat

Pilihan 3

 medication vs good food

Pilihan 4

fast food vs nutritious herbalife shake!

These are some tips to get the better option of above pictures :)

1) Healthy diet
2) Water
3) Regular exercises

Herbalife completes the task 1. Our delicious shake contains everything u need in one perfect meal. Just imagine u're stuffing in the food pyramid. Haha..  So, x pyh susahkan kepala otak nak cari makanan sihat k. We make it simple :)

Water helps a lot in losing weight.  Bukti? Tekan SINI

Lastly, avoid being sedentary or afraid of massive-time-consuming kind of exercises. All we need is movement. The more you move, the healthier u get. X perlu heavy exercise pung. Brisk walk dah cukup, tapi amalkan setiap hari tau.

Cube la buat, confirm rasa nak naik penimbang tiap2 hari!  Penimbang pun x pyh susah2 nak scan badan kite lama2, sebab overweight. Haha. Good luck! :)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

When I Want It Badly

Ok pagi2 dah terharu bace blog atie. Hebat kan kau -.-'

In a sudden aku rasa nak post-mortem what i had done in 2010

I NEVER FAILED TO ATTEND MOST OF HERBALIFE EVENTS & TRAININGS. tht's it. Tp what actually happened was, habis je training, the spirit and momentum i built faded. Even on the day after the events. Target punye besar tp ended up with 0.00vp again. (Maybe ade la kan >50vp utk own consumption) So ape yg aku dpt dari training sbnarnye?
Lepas aku fikir2 balik.. HAA! Just sebab aku rasa aku x perlu stress/urge nak buat herbalife and refuse to be productive.tu je. I was too comfort with the easiness of life and the young age. Tapi Alhamdulillah , i never felt like quitting. cuma malas and bertangguh je k.

January 2011 : Spectacular!

Balik Spectacular, again, semangat 2-3 minggu je, then dah start gelabah sebab exam was around the corner time tu. Biasela kan, dah name pun Linda. Tang2 study/result ni mmg aku hardcore sikit. Sanggup ponteng training lagi yu. paper FIM punye pasal. ( please be proud now,ustaz T.T )

However, i managed to produce a bit la January tu. At least. And bangge jugak bila tgk surat herbalife kat rumah, my name was listed as one of contributors to Ati's organisation volume. thanx to the 313vp. Betapa happynye saye =') Haha. Hopefully xde org herbalife bace post ni. Malu der

February 2011 : Bulan exam=PRODUCTS KENE CURIK!

Thank you to the bloody chinese stealer. Bulan tu mmg xde retail profit lgsung, savings yg aku ade utk bayar duit extravaganza, all used to ganti customer punye formula one. Rugi rm700+. Allah je taw mcm mane hati aku time tu. But nemind, aku yakin ade hikmah behind the happening.

March 2011 : EXPLODE!

Target=5000vp. bukan 3000vp k atie :) x kisahla kne sacrify x balik rumah 3 minggu, kne lost contact jap dgn kwn2 hangout, x shopping2, or terpaksa invest a lot utk transportation and etc, yg inda taw.. I WILL DO IT.
Ya Allah please give me guidance and strength. Amin.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

I Miss Soko.

let's rock! (rock la sgt lagu si soko gedik nih)

Kalau hayati the lyrics dalam2, it actually means A LOT. (pls replace evrything lepas 'than____ with Allah n family ok?) Rank yr boyfriend last in the 'loved ones' list. Selagi x kahwin, x ke mana. hewhew :p

*ckp depan cermin*

Tuesday 22 February 2011

When Dot Jots

Hello readers (if exists), welcome to my first post. After years of planning, i finally managed to create one. HAHA. Tahniah Linda. Well, exam's over! Wont be in CFS for these upcoming 3 months, bye la uia. Hanya uia students yg tau betapa happy perasaan nak tinggalkan uia tu. Hihi, seronok :D

I just got back from customer day in Anna Chantek Nutrition Club, Malacca. Comel kan nama club makcik tu? :p x bawak any guests pun, which was a loss i could say -.-' boooo Linda sebab x work using the system. So the moral of the story was, bawak ramai2 pegi events! According to my upline, 'Allah yg pegang hati dorg, u never know kan?' 

The speaker was Theva. (gmbar muka Theva x clear, sorry). Sumpah inspiring sgt2 sbb dulu Theva ni kerja tarik kreta je. Skrg buat Hlife fulltime! The thing that counts, he already found a lane that cud change his life (dr yakuza tarik kreta kepada herbalife wellness coach wo!), AND he's improving within. So nampak x? Penarik kreta pun sygkan kesihatan beb. Aku mybe x jumpa lg my strong 'why herbalife?', tp yg aku sgt2 pasti, if i choose to stay in it, my future life will be extraordinary! Cube korg mingle around dgn Herbalife people, they'll surely make u feel that nothing is impossible. Semua boleh, asalkan kau nak. Amazing! :)

InsyaAllah, i won't quit doing herbalife. The main key is to keep learning, and i'll earn more :D have faith bebeh. Last month income, rm300. Average income 2011, rm3k Amin, iAllah :)
To be highlighted : 3 BULAN FULLTIME HERBALIFE oh yeaaah! 
